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Nude Platypus






More Random Stuff
2002-07-22, 2:40 p.m.

I seriously think that I am ready for school to start.

How sad is that?

Of course, two months into the school year, I'll be ready for school to be over. Or maybe not, the sad fact is that I am going to have to leave my student days behind in May and actually enter the real world.

Avoidance of the real world is probably the number one reason I decided to go to law school.


I had been having problems with my roommate...it was just proximity. I need time away. And I tend to rant to my sister about the roommate getting on my nerves.

She was talking about this topic to my little brother and said something to the effect that if she had to live with me, we would probably fight as well.

This doesn't offend me in the least. If you live with someone, of course you are going to fight with them occasionally. It is the very nature of human relationships.

My little brother was very bothered by the comment and wanted to know why because according to him, I am the most laid back person on the face of this earth and very easy to live with. My little brother defending me...so sweet. Sometimes, he's not a major pain.


I'm filling out the form to declare residency for school and thereby save some money. If I weren't so lazy and prone to procrastination at times, I would have done this last year.

Unfortunately, residency requires a N.J. driver's license which means I have to take time and effort to go get one. Luckily, I don't have to take the driving test...because it took me two times to pass the first time I got my license.

I still maintain that the highway patrol guy who gave the test was a big doody-head and that is the reason that I failed.

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