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Nude Platypus






2002-12-11, 11:57 a.m.

I�m currently at work-work trying to look busy. This is my last day before my glorious three weeks gone. I�ve finished all of the things I was working on and apparently they are perfect as no revisions need to be made.

I would leave but I�m waiting for a client to call back. She has until five to call. Hopefully, it will be sooner than later so I can leave.


My poor sister has to have gallbladder surgery. She scheduled it for when I am going to be there so that I can watch the brats and help her around the house as her husband has no sick/vacation days left for the year. He will be in the hospital with her. Luckily, it is just out-patient surgery. But it happens to be the day of the Christmas parties at my nieces� school. And somehow I volunteered to go to the parties in place of my sister. The funny thing is that I don�t actually remembering volunteering. But the youngest niece has apparently made that decision for me.

Can I just say that 24 is the best damn show on television. I love Sherry. The actor plays the bitch so very well.


One of the deans emailed my copyright class and said that we could not email our finals in because that would compromise our anonymity and that�s just not allowed. Instead, we have to turn our finals in, in hardcopy form in a lockbox in the law school. I have problems with this because:

1) seminar classes are not graded anonymously, so compromising anonymity not a big deal

2) there are about eight people in this class, the professor�s going to know who wrote what. I could probably tell you who wrote what and I didn�t have the advantage of seeing our midterms and

3) I had planned to work on the final on the plane and email it when I arrived in Oklahoma. But now I have to finish it before I leave.


Since I have to work on my copyright final, you would think that I would have spent last night working on it. Well, that�s just crazy talk. Instead, I finished reading Cries Unheard which was excellent but rather depressing. Then I watched 24 and The Osbournes�because nothing is funnier than Ozzy cursing the ocean for almost putting out the fire he was trying to build.


I think my New Year�s resolution should be to actually become a dedicated student instead of just pretending to be one.

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